Wow! Tis all I can say about the cover for Adam Lambert's forthcoming (Nov 23) CD For Your Entertainment.
Many people have been dissing the cover, and they're entitled to their opinion... which is totally WRONG! LOL Didn't I mention earlier that people like to criticize Adam Lambert? Well... they've all emerged full force and the lynching has begun. Adam can't do anything right where these people are concerned. He was too hetero in Details, and then too androgynous on the album cover... GRRR
He's putting on a show, people! It's not meant to be taken seriously! GAH
Personally, I LOVE the cover. And I'm not just saying it because I'm a card carrying -- there's no actual card, mind you -- member of the Singapore Glamberts.
The cover is retro, and looking at it makes me feel young again! I grew up listening to music from the UK like Duran Duran and Culture Club, aka men who love their blowdryers and aren't afraid of hairspray and make up! The electronic synth pop era was the bomb and I still have all those classics on my iPod. Heh. I think I just dated myself! I'm OLD!
Anyway, back to Adam's cover. I think the colours are beautiful. Blues and purples have always been my favourites, and there's a heck of a lot here.
Plus Adam looks lovely. Glammed up to the nines and pouting at the camera. YUMMY Thanks to EW's Mike Slezak, I now imagine Adam sans clothes during the shoot! GULP
And I have no problem with the so-called androgynous look he has adopted for the cover; it's way better than the Michelin Man pic that was leaked earlier. I happen to love beautiful men, hence my fascination with Jean-Claude. But that's another story!
I didn't really like FYE as the album title at first; I thought it was clumsy, and comprised of too many words, one of which is FOUR syllables long! I used to be a radio jock and I HATED tongue twisting artist names and song titles, but it makes complete sense now that it's been revealed his first single would be For Your Entertainment! Why did I doubt him?? I should've known he had a plan! And I'm glad I'm not on the radio anymore. It would be so unbecoming if I was to squee everytime one of Adam's songs comes on!
The single drops on Monday and I can't wait to hear it! The man has said it'll make us dance. I wonder what the neighbours directly below my flat would have to say about that? Maybe I should get them some ear plugs this weekend! But what do I do about the vibrations? It'll be like an hippo having a danceoff with an elephant!
In other news... the Time For Miracles video has been unveiled, and what a video it is! I was fascinated by the Batman imagery throughout the video. It starts off with Adam crouching on a rooftop, see what I mean about Batman?, and then proceeds with him, in a trenchcoat no less, walking down a street in slo-mo, while all around him pandemonium reigns! There are also scenes from the movie 2012... But seriously, all I saw the first time was Adam! LOL What movie scenes? What people? There was a fire???
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