Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Random Rant

Before the rant commences, I need a nice picture to calm me down! And nothing is nicer than a picture of Adam smiling!

*Start of Rant*

 I had everything planned out before I left the house. I'm meticulous, *ahem* anal. I knew what I was going to have for lunch, and what I wanted to pick up for dinner. Subway was on the menu for my evening meal. Easy enough, right? NOT! 

I was jazzed when a Subway opened at White Sands; happily dreaming of cold cuts, melted cheese and personally chosen salad items for lunch, dinner or whatever.

But things are never THAT easy. I'm a night owl, and I usually work the graveyard shift. I typically get of the house at 8.30pm and go scrounge for food! I usually troll Pasir Ris Central for dinner, because that's where the company van picks me up. I work in no man's land; no food, no public transport, no nothing.

Anyway... more often than not these days, I find myself at the Subway outlet at White Sands, and they usually tell me my favourite bread -- Parmesean Oregano -- is unavailable. They close at 10pm, so it's perfectly understandable that they run of stuff by 9.

Over the weekend, I dropped by after work at 8am to sample their breakfast. They didn't have my fave bread -- again -- and this time they told me they bake their bread fresh every morning and the Parmesan Oregano isn't done yet. Also perfectly acceptable.

Which brings me to today.

I arrived at the outlet at two in the afternoon, and not only did they run out of my preferred loaf, they only had two bread choices left! Both of which I imagine would taste awful with my sandwich choice! Plus they were out of roast beef!! How the hell do they run out of stuff so early in the day?? The person who does their procurement must be an idiot! Isn't it part of his/her job to find out what sells and make sure there is enough to last through the day? AARGH!

So I didn't get my sandwich today... which put me in a sucky mood. Man plans... God laughs. So true. I ended up having chicken rice for dinner; a far cry from what I really wanted, but at least I didn't go hungry.

I resolve to get my sandwich tomorrow. Only I won't bank on the Subway at Pasir Ris. I'll get it from Tampines 1. Now that's an outlet that has never disappointed me. Plus the staff is very helpful and efficient. The queue is scary though...

*End of Rant*

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